That may or may not be true. Your mom, brothers, sisters and maybe 20 other relatives can pack your gallery. It does, however, take a great deal of work to maintain readership even among those loyal to you because they had no choice in having you for a blood relation. So why blog at all?
This was originally a personal blog. Surprisingly, I once found a small audience for it outside of my family, a handful of individuals in varying shades of jadedness, with the same level of acidic insanity. I lost a lot of my readers when life got in the way. The realization dawned that money, not words, feed babies. For many online wordsmiths, money is hard to come by.
I don’t think I’ll ever really quit though. I like it here because I don’t have to struggle and give up who I am to survive. I don’t have to pretend to be anything and there is certainly no requirement to save the world.
Call me selfish. When every other blogger wants to make a difference, I want to keep this small space for my personal mental therapy. Anyone looking for a case subject for a psychology study is welcome to dive into this spontaneous morass from a self-confessed nut case.
Incidentally, during my bouts of lucidity, I do try to save the world too in other virtual spaces not in danger of getting tainted by my cerebral drippings.
Maybe you should think of them as the drafts to your memoirs, ma'am. Maybe one day you could write a book too. 🙂 I'll offer a blurb now if you like
"no wonder this was the cure to cancer!"
-Mary Ranises (Disney Animator)
Ahaha… 😀
Just so you know, this was an assignment from well… Hehe
i can relate.:)
I have family that have personal blogs and after a few months of being nice and reading them they just become boring.
I started a few personal blogs myself but focused them around my hobbies. My fishing blog gets few family members today but I do get traffic that makes me money. I also have made a few new fishing buddies which is always cool.
Hi James. Thanks for dropping by. I think your idea is the ideal path to follow. Focusing on a niche offers a lot of potential when it comes to traffic and profit and the best part is that you're enjoying because you love what you blog about 🙂