It’s unavoidable. Working moms can try to balance work, family and self to maintain some semblance of sanity but there is no defying the natural limits of time so ultimately priorities have to be made. In the mad daily rush that defines a family woman’s life, family comes first followed by work and then self.
That explains why I often get to comb my hair only once a day and not even properly such that only half of all my strands are in their proper place. The rapidly expanding natural life saver around my torso has also been left so seriously unattended that I’m certain I’ll soon develop enough fat to naturally protect me from the cold. The previously allotted schedules for 100 brush strokes and stomach crunches are now dedicated to my hyper active screaming banshees and to extra gigs to make more money that’s just never enough.
That’s just how it is and I don’t resent it. Besides, there are those moments when circumstances force you to stop. The other night, we had to rush my daughter to the hospital and after all the panic had subsided and she’d been given medication, we were told she still had to be admitted.
In a room with no instant internet connection and no way to chat with clients, time stopped. I didn’t complain. Nobody likes to be in a hospital but staying put with my favorite girl in the world watching Bizaare Foods on cable was the best treat I’d had in weeks.
Oh my gosh. I panicked when I saw the picture on the blog entry. Ma'am I hope your daughter gets well soon. Let me know if you need anything.
Hi Mary. Thanks for that. She's doing much better now but I don't think she'll be allowed to eat the kinds of edible things kids like to eat.
You know what, I can find ways to work even when there's a storm, no electricity or a flood raging outside my window but this time I really stopped. 🙂
you are a really great mom. ;D
Allot rest so you can recover from the various stressful activities.